This is the super simplified video animated explanation on everything you ever wanted to know about scaling in the context of an AKS cluster (Azure Kubernetes Services). We will cover the following topics:

  1. Manually scale a pod in or our an AKS cluster - how to and demo
  2. Automatically scale pod in or out in an AKS cluster using horizontal pod autoscaler (hpa) - how to and demo.
  3. Manually scale a node in or out an AKS cluster - how to and demo
  4. Automatically scale a node in or out an AKS clusters - the gotchas, how to and demo

#azure #aks #simplified #hpa #horizontalpodautoscaler #nodeautoscaler #scaling #metricsserver #resourcelimits #resourcerequests

For more simplified video tutorials on Azure and Kubernetes - check out

#azure #aks #simplified



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