This is the ridiculously simple animated explanation of Azure Kubernetes Services Networking model - Kubenet in less than 5 minutes. We will cover

what AKS is at a high level how Kubenet networking model works The benefits and limitations of using Kubenet

In the part 2 of the video we will address Azure CNI networking model.

For more animated Azure videos and simplified Azure content and podcasts please check out #aks #azure #azurein5minutes #aksnetworking #networking #kubernetes #k8s #kubenet #cni #cloud-monk #services #pods #overlay

For step-by-step instructions on how to configure Kubenet please check out : Steve’s blog

K8s in plain english

#kubernetes #k8s #deployments #explained #cka #ckad #cloud-monk #kubernetesinplainenglish #podsinplainenglish #deploymentsexplained #kipe



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