This is the Kubernetes explained in plain English series. This is the first video in the series “Pods explained in plain English” with the help of Phippy and Friends. Credits to CNCF foundation - for the characters from the “Illustrated children’s guide to Kubernetes”
The link to the step by step practice lab - You do not need a pre-existing Kubernetes environment to get started you can perform all of the tasks right from the browser -
If you are preparing for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) or Certified Kubernetes Developer (CKAD) - this video series will be in alignment with your exam preparation
For more simplified videos check out –
For the Kubernetes in plain English series - check this video playlist out
#kubernetes #pods #explained #cka #ckad #cloud-monk #kubernetesinplainenglish #podsinplainenglish #podsexplained
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